6 Lies Homeschoolers Believe
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Empowering the Family to Combine Growth with Learning for Whole-Life Education
Empowering the Family to Combine Growth with Learning for Whole-Life Education
Do You Believe Them?
By Barbie Poling
Do You Believe Them?
I’ve been participating in multiple homeschooling discussion groups lately, and I can see that there are so many homeschooling parents, along with those considering homeschooling, who are very serious about their children’s education.
Their honest concerns lead them to ask a huge variety of questions of the general homeschooling community that come across my computer screen each day. They’re hoping that someone out there has the answers to their questions and concerns.
Unfortunately most of the questions being asked and the answers being given are based on some underlying assumptions and beliefs that very, very few are questioning. I can see that these precious moms don’t realize that 99% of the questions they’re asking, and almost all the answers they’re getting, are based upon assumptions and beliefs that are actually untrue. If they knew the truth, they would be asking a completely different set of questions.
The underlying ideas for these beliefs and assumptions about education were new around the turn of the 20th century. Through my own study, I learned that the people who introduced these ideas knew them to be lies. They set out to purposefully deceive parents into believing them in order to suit their own purposes. Coupled with simple observation of how reality actually works, I’ve decided to call these six beliefs “lies”.
Those who purposefully lied to parents are long dead and so are the parents they lied to, but generation after generation continues to be unknowingly deceived. These lies have become so ingrained in our culture that most homeschooling parents believe them without giving them a single thought. Some believe these ideas so strongly, they will read this article and become angry that I’m calling them lies.
As you’re reading through these lies, you might think you don’t believe them, but don’t forget to consider that deep down, your actions may be sponsored by or justified by some of these six lies, even if you think you don’t believe them the way they’re stated.
I know I believed these lies myself for years and years. When I was a new homeschooling mom, these lies led me to spend lots of money on things I didn’t need, although I thought I needed them. These lies led me to put inappropriate pressure on my precious children causing us all a measure of unnecessary heartache and internal distress. They led us to spend countless hours doing things we didn’t need to do, and they were the sponsor of bad attitudes and ugly behavior for both myself and my children.
I’d like to expose these six lies to you and reveal the actions and serious consequences sponsored by believing them. I’m hoping you will be drawn to consider a different way of educating your family, so that you can experience the wonderful treasure of being free to educate them according to God’s specific and individual plan for you!….