Help for Engaging Your Child's Uniqueness
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Empowering the Family to Combine Growth with Learning for Whole-Life Education
Empowering the Family to Combine Growth with Learning for Whole-Life Education
Are they happening in your family?
3 Soul Conditions that Prevent Learning
Are they happening in your family?
Help for Engaging Your Child’s Uniqueness
Is your homeschooling working for your children? Do they come alive with the education you’re providing? Are they fully and deeply engaged with your method of homeschooling? If you’re like some homeschoolers, your children may be at best tolerating your methods, and at worst resisting and refusing to do what you’re assigning.
The majority of kids will fall anywhere in between these extremes perhaps willingly complying with whatever is set before them, while still wrestling with disinterest and search for personal identity. Your family may be suffering from 3 negative soul conditions common to homeschoolers.
For the first couple of years of my homeschooling adventure, I was completely unaware that my schooled son’s own soul condition would influence the process and the outcome of his education, and what degree of success we would experience. His soul had been influenced partially by the means of education that he was subjected to, and partly due to the unhealthy condition of the relationships in our home. When my methods or curriculum didn’t seem to be working, I would look for something else that I thought might be more fun and hopefully engage my son. However, I was neglecting the real causes of his lack of interest. Of course this wasn’t an intentional oversight, I just didn’t know anything else.
Disinterest, Boredom, and Burn-Out
Have you been wishing your homeschooling would engage your child?
If so, I want to help you realize that your child’s soul is being influenced by everything important in his life, and this in turn influences how he relates with the educational process in which you involve him. The beginnings of burn-out and boredom that will cause your children to disengage from their own education could be on the horizon and you may not even know it. This message will help you to recognize the path to disinterest, burn-out and boredom, and explain why this happens in so many Christian homeschooling families.
In my own situation, through much experimentation and receiving the Lord’s wisdom, I finally came to realize that the very best fruit of any of my efforts came through real life learning that each of my children connected with in their own unique way. I began focusing more on healing the soul conditions in my family by learning how to address disinterest, burnout and boredom and other negative habits of how my children related with their own learning processes. I want to help you learn how to do the same so you can see how Lifestyle of Learning™ can be a good fit for your family. I pray that as you’re reading through this article, you’ll be filled with hope that God has answers to help you embrace a living education that will reverse the effects of burnout and boredom in your children so they will deeply engage with who God created them to be.
Do Your Children Love Learning?
In our traditional educational system, the activity of learning has been distorted from its true nature to look like something many of us don’t really want to have much to do with. When we were young and doing school, we couldn’t wait until it was over each day, each week, and each year. School has made us come to believe that learning is distasteful and so we continue to press our children toward just-like-school activity, even though it is not engaging them….
"Help for Engaging Your Child's Uniqueness."
This discussion continues in the free 14-page article
This article is for you if you are a Christian homeschooling parent who wants their children to love learning and become who God made them to be.