Empowering the Family to Combine Growth with Learning for Whole-Life Education
Empowering the Family to Combine Growth with Learning for Whole-Life Education
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How Lifestyle of Learning ™ Can Engage Your Child’s Uniqueness
This 14-pg eArticle will help you examine different aspects of your current home education efforts and the current conditions of your family relationships in order to thoughtfully consider the Lifestyle of Learning™ Approach to educating your family. This article contains the same information as the article entitled "Is Lifestyle of Learning for You?" and “25 Symptoms of Homeschool Burn-Out and Boredom”
6 Lies Homeschoolers Believe—Do You Believe Them?
This 15-pg eArticle leads you through 6 lies that homeschoolers commonly believe about learning. You’ll likely be able to identify these lies at work in your homeschooling ideas, practices, and decisions, so that you can reject them and embrace the truth of how learning works deeply and naturally in the hearts and minds of your children.
Encouragement for New Homeschoolers
Here you can find two brief articles. One gives encouragement and ideas to consider for those who are starting to homeschool their young children, the other article gives encouragement and ideas to consider when you are taking your children out of school in order to homeschool.
A Description of the Theory of Lifestyle of Learning™
This is a 2-page description of Lifestyle of Learning™ and how it differs from traditional school and school at home.
Lifestyle of Learning™ is not Unschooling
This article discusses the differences between Lifestyle of Learning™ and Unschooling. Despite common misconceptions, Lifestyle of Learning™ is not unschooling.
Lifestyle of Learning™ Possesses Biblical Goals, 5-part email series
These articles discuss what makes an education biblical and how what makes the Lifestyle of Learning™ Approach to home education a biblical education for you and your family.
Fleshing Out the Processes of Growth and Change
This 5-part message will help you consider your activities in four areas of your family's life in order to successfully implement Lifestyle of Learning™ principles.
The Importance of Play – This blog post will lead you to consider the educational value of the process and product of play.
Making Connections with Friends – A two part blog series that will lead you to consider the seeds you are sowing and the fruit you will bear when you adopt our culture’s unbiblical ideas and focus on peer friends for your children.
Much More Than Passing Tests – This blog post discusses the common question parents have about test taking when they consider a lifestyle of learning for their family.