8 Practical Messages
5 Helpful Handouts
7 Bonus Messages
19 Team Testimonies
Help your children use the 5 learning tools
in everyday life.
”Stop imitating the ideals and opinions of the culture around you, but be inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit through a total reformation of how you think.” Romans 12:2 (TPT)
This challenge is designed to show give you practical steps to achieve freedom, flexibility, and efficiency in your home education, and your children will love it!
In this challenge you will:
- Discover how to implement the Lifestyle of Learning Approach to Home Education through these extremely practical messages
- Learn all about five real-life actions to practice and express the five learning tools of research, reason, relate, record, and rhetoric
- Learn all about reality-based note-booking, and how to use all five of the learning tools together
- Learn to facilitate adult academic processes in child-sized proportions that are good for all ages, will grow up with your child into adulthood, and help your child gain momentum in the learning process
- Learn how to help your children expand themselves into bigger and bigger places of responsibility toward their own growth and learning.
- Receive the answer to your question: “What about the academics and getting all the subjects covered?”
Read Marilyn's Invitation and Encouragement to You

Marilyn Howshall
Author, Minister, Family Heartbeat Mentor
Hello Dear Moms, I’ve heard from many of you that you either have no choice, or you've decided to homeschool your children.
Homeschooling can be quite demanding can’t it? You can get overwhelmed really fast with all the requirements of doing school-at-home.
When I first started homeschooling in 1984, and as a pioneer homeschooler, I thought education looked like school. And so, just like all the other pioneers of my day, having only our own school experience to lean upon, we brought school home—desks, blackboards, textbooks and all the trappings that looked like school.
But a couple of years into serving that system, I came to see that doing school-at-home actually prevented me from addressing many of my children’s true needs for whole development. You may be able to relate a bit when I say that I had become their TEACHER.
But God wanted me to be their PARENT, and to learn how to parent the way He does, addressing their uniqueness, their relational needs, and discipling needs as well.
The Good Lord began showing me a better way that would produce LIFE in our family’s education and teach my children HOW to learn! I took steps that brought so much freedom, efficiency, and joy into our home education! I learned how to responsibly customize my children’s education to their unique needs that would equip them for real life growth and learning. And, at the same time, I began running a full-time business out of my home that turned into full-time ministry to homeschooling families.
You may be able to relate with the need to balance your work life at home with your children’s educational needs like I had to learn how to do. It’s completely possible when addressing the whole life of your family!
My name is Marilyn Howshall, Family Heartbeat Mentor, and founder of two life-changing ministries. I’m an ordained minister of the Gospel, and I’ve been ministering to families in the homeschooling arena full time since 1990.
From my difficult homeschool beginnings, I went on to help thousands of homeschooling families learn how to lean on the Lord for a whole-life, whole-family education through my message I call Lifestyle of Learning™.
Over the years as I held Lifestyle of Learning™ conferences for the family, I was approached by so many CHILDREN with tears of gratitude, thanking me for showing their parents a better way. I also received many, many letters and precious handmade gifts from children all over the country that were full of gratitude for helping their parents understand how to get to know their children’s uniqueness.
Your children will LOVE engaging in real-life learning, and moving their own learning process forward in a vital direction! You don’t have to forfeit a quality education in order to make room for the relational and discipling aspects of personal development.
In fact, addressing the relational—as the Lord intends for believers to do—will restore wholeness to your family, leading to the freedom and flexibility in your responsibilities that we all want to have, so we can accomplish more with our lives.
Following Lifestyle of Learning principles will provide you and your children with a transformational education.
If you want to move away from the homeschooling burdens, and—with informed confidence—step into a life-giving experience your whole family will enjoy, then this event is for you—beginning October 27th for 4 week, Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The Live videos are loaded with personal and relational ministry! Husbands and older kids will love them too!
God loves you Dear Heart, He has a way for you!
Read what others have to say...
"I am grateful for all of this ministry, for Marilyn Howshall with the team. I've been seeking to know God's way through you! Your lessons and everyone's testimonies have been life changing in so many directions. There is so much to process. I've been blessed in specific ways. Thank you! I'm so grateful the Holy Spirit to sent you across my path." ~ Jona H
"Marilyn helped me realize that I needed to RELAX and let the Holy Spirit lead our homeschooling endeavors. God made each of us and gave us all gifts, and it is my job to raise my children up in the way they should go until and teach them how to grow up in the Lord. Some day He will lead them to do the works He predestined for them, and they will know His voice." ~ Kelly M
"What great messages! They're really practical and give me so much more insight into everything that I am learning to do with my kids". ~ Natalie V
"Marilyn Howshall, as always your God given wisdom comes in and blows my mind wide open to see His way more clearly and as I obey these truths... my life and my family is being changed for Kingdom living! So beautiful. So grateful!" ~ Lisa G
"I enjoyed this course. I am fulfilling a dream of homeschooling our three boys. Because of Marilyn's influence of focusing on relationships and creativity, I am recognizing what drives my kids’ hearts. Thank you, Marilyn and Barbie and team!" ~ Jacquelyn G
"I am about to finish my PhD in education, and I have finally realized that much I have learned is wrong. I am SO thankful for this ministry! God was already convicting me as I stepped away from 14 years of teaching to homeschool my children last year. Marilyn is saying things I think I knew instinctually as a teacher in the classroom, but I ignored those feelings because they went against the system I was so entrenched in. Marilyn, my family has been blessed beyond what I had hoped because of your messages. Thank you! I wish I could reach across the computer screen and give you the biggest hug." ~ Jennifer J
"I have listened to many online homeschool conferences and read dozens of homeschool books and may have heard pieces of these principles, but they've been laced within schoolish methods. Your messages feel like truth and life after a long journey. Thank you, Lord, for these messages and wisdom!" ~ Cja K