Wisdom’s Way of Learning, 4 e-Book Set

4 e-Book Set Only $2.99!

• Three components of learning to nurture in children to provide a healthy and complete education

• "Seven natural vital signs" of the learning process to evaluate the effectiveness of your child’s education

• Five tools of learning to nurture in your children, both informally and formally

• Seven non-traditional Homeschool educational approaches discussed, compared and contrasted

• Biblical validation for ‘natural’ learning

• The product and the process of learning explained, discussed and compared in order to promote true and deep learning skills

• A whole new way to think about education, bringing freedom from the burden and pressure of just-like-school methods

In addition to the benefits of The Science, Art, and Tools of Learning, ebook 1:

• Recognize and encourage the common childhood activities that express the 5 tools of learning in an informal and natural way in younger children

• Discover how to direct maturing children to move their own education forward into a more formal expression of the learning tools

• Come to understand God's seasonal timeline for your family's education that is different from the just-like-school method of subject division and grade levels

Lifestyle of Learning™
Wisdom's Way of Learning

GREAT VALUE! only $2.99

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Purchase these items separately here

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Insightful messages that will challenge the way you think about your lifestyle and spur you on toward the changes needed to sow the seeds for the fruit of a true learning process. Instruction into how to develop routine leading you to focus on education’s most essential component: the formation of Christlike character. Hope for developing your lifestyle and routine for your home education with the goal of developing the tools of learning and a love of learning within your children. Testimony from moms that gives encouragement, hope, and practical instruction for getting ready and getting started with a lifestyle of learning.

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Encouraging messages that will challenge the way you think about education and learning and spur you on toward the changes needed to sow the educational and relational seeds that will grow the fruit you’re hoping for. Instruction into how to liberate your family’s education leading you to focus on its most essential component: the formation of Christlike character. Hope for developing your vision for your family’s education with the goal of putting your children on a strong path toward success in relationships and success in God-designed purpose. Testimony from moms that gives encouragement, hope, and practical instruction for getting to know how the Lord has made your individual children in order to train them up in the way they should go. Messages to draw you to the Lord as you surrender your family’s education and purpose to Him.

Lifestyle of Learning™ Go Deeper Packet