
**These are pdf notebook pages** For information about using and storing your files, go here.

Product Description:

Lifestyle of Learning™ Binder Packet, 31 Page Set of Notebook Pages

(for you to fill with your own content)

My Education ~ Instruction Sheets
My Education ~ Dictionary Definitions
My Education ~ Bible Verses
My Education ~ Notes and Revelations
My Child’s Interests
   (title page for a section about your child’s interests)
Two-Pronged Education Myth
   (title page for your purchased eArticle)

Transformational Education (title page for your purchased eBook)
The Biblical Science, Art, and Tools of Learning, WWOL 1 (title page for your purchased eBook)
The Unit-of-Life™ Learning Model, WWOL Book 2 (title page for your purchased eBook)
The Life Message™ Learning Model, WWOL Book 3 (title page for your purchased eBook)
Seasons—God’s Time-Design WWOL, Book 4 (title page for your purchased eBook)
My Journey in Search for the Way (title page for your purchased eBook)
Printed Blog Posts from Lifestyle of Learning™ blogs (title page)
Audio Notes / Transcripts (title page)


  • cover sheet to slip into your own 3-ring binder
  • sheet of labels to put into your own section dividers
  • instruction sheets for each suggested section
  • 5 brief eArticles about reading and study by Marilyn Howshall

    Practical Activities for Exercising the Learning Tools
    12-Step In-depth Study Guidelines (using the 5 learning tools)
    How I Tackle a New Subject (when reading a book)
    Instructions for Reading Assignments and Self-Evaluation Tool
    Article on Webster’s 1828 Dictionary

“The binder pack pages are really pretty and make it so easy to organize your learning process. The articles that come with it are wonderful and an extra added bonus! "

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With practical charts and suggestions, Marilyn helps you to develop a flexible daily schedule that is compatible with real life using distinctive blocks of time for all important activities and responsibilities, while still maintaining the flexible time needed for the important character training and the development of academic skills.

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Insightful messages that will challenge the way you think about your lifestyle and spur you on toward the changes needed to sow the seeds for the fruit of a true learning process. Instruction into how to develop routine leading you to focus on education’s most essential component: the formation of Christlike character. Hope for developing your lifestyle and routine for your home education with the goal of developing the tools of learning and a love of learning within your children. Testimony from moms that gives encouragement, hope, and practical instruction for getting ready and getting started with a lifestyle of learning.

Did You Know?

4 e-Book Set Only $2.99!• Three components of learning to nurture in children to provide a healthy and complete education• “Seven natural vital signs” of the learning process to evaluate the effectiveness of your child’s education• Five tools of learning to nurture in your children, both informally and formally• Seven non-traditional Homeschool educational approaches discussed, compared and contrasted• Biblical validation for ‘natural’ learning• The product and the process of learning

Wisdom’s Way of Learning, 4 e-Book Set