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Product Description:

My Journey in Search for the Way

by Marilyn Howshall

This book contains the personal account of Marilyn’s homeschool journey. It is a testimony of the grace of God and His faithfulness to perform His promises when a heart and life are submitted to Him. Each of the chapter titles and accompanying Scripture passages represent the seasons God lovingly brought her through. Chapter titles are as follows:

  1. Wilderness Wanderings
    • leaving Egypt—a life-changing decision
    • the dry desert of curriculum
    • wilderness manna—my education begins
  2. A Roadway in the Wilderness
    • streams in the wilderness; rivers in
      the desert—curriculum written from personal
  3. A Door of Hope in the Wilderness
    • grumblings in the wilderness—false
      security exposed
    • on the mountaintop—out of bondage into liberty
  4. The Promised Land
    • from wilderness cocoon to promised land
      transformation—homeschooling and me
    • the Lord’s yoke

Marilyn’s journey began with a groping wandering in many directions until she found the path or ‘roadway in the wilderness’ on which the Lord wanted her to continue her journey. The landscape changed many times throughout her wilderness search and the adventures along the way were many and varied. However, each played a part in God’s plan to bring her into her ‘promised land.’ In the midst, He was faithful to show her a ‘door of hope’ through which she would enter more fully into His plan for her and her family.

One of the lessons she learned was that He did not want her to be ‘planted’ in the wilderness, but rather each step of obedience would lead her closer to her promised land of righteousness, peace, and joy in her homeschool and family life.

As the message unfolds, you will learn how the Lifestyle of Learning approach developed and the specifics of Marilyn’s own self-education that resulted in her ultimately surrendering all to follow the Lord in her homeschooling endeavors. Many moms will relate with this story.


“I had the opportunity this morning to read again Marilyn's book, "My Journey in Search for the Way". It's about how she developed her lifestyle of learning and the Lifestyle of Learning™ message. It is a wonderful inexpensive read for anyone looking into Lifestyle of Learning™ for the first time."
~ Jeri P.

My Journey in Search for the Way without Audios: $5.00

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Insightful messages that will challenge the way you think about your lifestyle and spur you on toward the changes needed to sow the seeds for the fruit of a true learning process. Instruction into how to develop routine leading you to focus on education’s most essential component: the formation of Christlike character. Hope for developing your lifestyle and routine for your home education with the goal of developing the tools of learning and a love of learning within your children. Testimony from moms that gives encouragement, hope, and practical instruction for getting ready and getting started with a lifestyle of learning.

Did You Know?

4 e-Book Set Only $2.99!• Three components of learning to nurture in children to provide a healthy and complete education• “Seven natural vital signs” of the learning process to evaluate the effectiveness of your child’s education• Five tools of learning to nurture in your children, both informally and formally• Seven non-traditional Homeschool educational approaches discussed, compared and contrasted• Biblical validation for ‘natural’ learning• The product and the process of learning

Wisdom’s Way of Learning, 4 e-Book Set