Secrets of Solitude

Marilyn Howshall


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Product Description:

Secrets of Solitude

“It is my deepest hope that, as you embrace to your heart, the challenge presented within the pages of this book, it will ultimately lead you into the presence of God. Holding within my heart any less of a desire for you would be but a vain vision. For it is in God’s presence where He will reveal to you who you truly are in Christ—your real identity, and it is there He will become every single thing you need Him to be, for He is the I AM.

It is abiding daily with Him where His nature, His character, and His holiness will be imprinted into your very soul. It is in that secret place where His purpose for your life will begin to unfold. It is following in His steps where you will learn the way of the cross, not just the cross for the salvation of your soul, however undeniably needed that is, but the lessons that will restore you to divine fellowship with the Father here on earth – the cross of fellowship – the only way you might enter into an abiding relationship with Him.

Jesus pointed the way to the cross, demonstrating how to lay down your self-life to acquire the glorious higher life He is waiting to give to you and actually share in with you. It is this higher life I hope for you, but only God can give it to you. It is my prayer that this little book will point a way.”

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“Dear Marilyn, I wanted to let you know that I have been deeply touched by Secrets of Solitude. This message made it to my summer reading list and it has been such a blessing! The Lord has really opened my eyes and heart through this message. My favorite has been your encouragement to 'Do what you do not want to do.' This has changed my life and my family! If you have not read it, please take the time to do so. My notebook is ready for my third reading. I've taken lots and lots of notes!! Thank you Lord for Your timing and patience with me. I am so in awe of Your love for me!!" ~ Kelly K

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